
A monster trapped against his will, Midggit seems to have a ton of knowledge over the Midnight District. He pretends [Text Removed]. He was once a regular monster, noted to be optimistic and hopeful for the future amongst his kind...

Store Owner

A former traveling merchant now stuck in the Underground, Bun Bun resorted to a manifesting a dreamscape in order to mentally escape the prison monsterkind is bound to. He dreams of freedom and continuing his business, but he knows it's all fake. He longs for it in the real world.

Flow Flow

A creature of red-thorned vines and golden flowers, Flow Flow takes care of a flower garden alone in their empty world, awaiting a new visitor to admire their work. While their intentions seem evil at first glance, they long for nothing more than a nice chat with someone and to provide honest advice. Unfortunately, they are too inanimate to do it in real life.


The self-proclaimed Follower #2 of a certain man, Guy is a piece of his original monster self, a fragmented part of a whole. Despite his soul being ripped apart and scattered through space and time, he's surpirsingly more sane and collected than most of his other pieces thanks to the Midnight District's source of power. He, alongside Follower #1, constructed .Lab in hopes of unraveling the secrets and innerworkings of this world.


An human with no known history outside of their inital arrival, H is considered by most to be a demi-god with the sheer amount of power they are rumored to possess. Whether it was out of benevolence or ill-intent, they are notorious for creating powerful, highly sought-after the '1' swords. Consequently, they are to blame for the treacherous cult forming in the Abyssal Zones.


An entity who showed up out of nowhere in the Midnight District, V is a enigma to most. Their intentions, goals, and purpose is unknown, but they are seen accompanied with a monster soul despite being remarkably humanoid.