











Mysterious and ominous, H rarely makes her presence known to denizens of the Midnight District outside a few indiviuals she has deemend worthy. In truth, she is somewhat antisocial, disliking conversation and chit chat if it provides her no benefit or amusement. She tries to keep her chats short or, at the very least, revolve around her intrests with her short social battery.

Despite his avoidance towards others and one-track mind, he is well-mannered and polite so long as it is reciprocated, else he has no problem belittling others and acting passive agressive. He is a very neutral indiviual, acting on his own rational while having very few opinons or bias. Although, that may simply because he lacks much outside interaction at all.

Beacause of their secluded life and distant nature, almost all their actions are based off his curiosity, desire for power, and "return to originality". The creation of the '1' swords, letting a cult roam free in their name, intervening randomly, etc., it's all because they want to know what would happen.

While normally neutral, H isn't above holding a grudge. She has quite a few for various reasons. People who wrong her are almost always on-sight targets for her wrath.


I used to be a kid. Once. But the hate of my old world claimed my body and mind, twisted and mutilated beyond repair. I was bathed in anguish, undeserved wrath solely for the power shining in me. They wanted to snuff it out.

They succeded at first.

I fell.

And I continued to fall until an endless darkness came over me.

I countinued to fall while believing this was my end, even as my mind begged for a second chance.

In that moment, I would learn darkness was finite.

I felt an indescrible power.

Then I woke up again,

In a world that praised my power... A world far from my own.

A world that once existed in our old reality...

And now here I am.

In front of you.


Waiting to see if you, too, understand that kind of world as well.


Sadly, I prefer chamomile tea.
Quelled. Waiting to be unleashed once more.
I barely remember them.
I know what he is...
No soul. Yet so much love was put into them. I'm jealous.


  • Considered a witch before their death.

  • Their soul is shattered but refuses to die out.

  • Held together by a strange black substance.

  • They have hundreds of '1' swords in their possession.

  • *
    I don't play god. I pretend.